Submission 11

Dear Christopher,

I miss your hugs. Your voice. Your laugh. Your stupid jokes.
Your cheesy grin. I miss my brother. I missed the signs.
I wish I helped. So much regret.

Those last calls. You were frantic. You sounded broken, but you still put effort in to check I was okay. How did I miss it? A regret I’ll hold forever. I let you down. It was not for a lack of love. I’ll love you for eternity.

One year and one week to the exact day that after you died I gave birth to a little boy.

I spend my days working hard to ensure he has the love, support and happiness you must have been missing in your life and I hope you see this and can experience this joy with us from afar.

Forever your big sister. X

Love you to the moon and back.


Submission 12


Submission 10