Submission 147
To my oldest friend,
It is so hard to put into words all the feelings I have. I just want you to know that it doesn't matter how many years have past, I still think about you any time something good happens in any of our lives, there is a gaping hole where you would be to celebrate all the engagements and promotions (not mine lol). I also think about you everytime something bad or stupid happens. You would have laughed so hard at some of the dumb things I've done in my life. You absolutely would have been by my side egging me on for some of them. I have learnt a lot since we last saw each other, but don't worry, I still embrace the chaos that you taught me to appreciate. You also showed me how to appreciate little ridiculous things in life, and that is something we all need to hold onto in these difficult times. You were the brightest light I had in my life, my biggest fangirl, and I've just had to get used to things being a bit dimmer and a bit darker since you left. That scrapbook you made me for my 17th birthday has been read cover to cover nearly a million times in the past decade, your apititude for scrapbooking really knew no bounds.
You'd be proud of all of us though, we really came through as a pretty great group of people. And I think going through your loss definitely brought a lot of us together in unexpected ways.
I feel blessed that I had you in my life since we were tiny little bubbas badly playing musical instruments. That phonecall we had when we both got into the same high school will live in my mind and my heart forever as the beginning of a beautiful era of adventures. And what an honour it was to be able to adventure with you. Love you forever.