Submission 81

Dear Dad,

I'm not sure where to start. 2 and a half years on and I am beginning to be able to feel a glimmer of warmth when I hear your laugh in videos or see your smile in all the photos your loved ones share of you.

I wish you knew how little we would care about your mistakes. We all make them and no-one is perfect. I wish you could have been as kind to yourself as you were to us. I wish you could have told us how you really were when we asked.

But, despite all that, if losing you so tragically was the price we had to pay to have you in our lives, I can get my head round it.

If we do anything in your honour, it is to answer honestly about how we are and to treat ourselves with the same kindness we wished you had shown yourself.

All my love,



Submission 82


Submission 80